Avon Way, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 7GB

01235 519235

Ladygrove Park Primary School

Growing Excellence, Inspiring Success


Ladygrove Park Primary School has: an Early Years Foundation Stage unit, for rising 4 year olds (part-time Nursery) and rising 5 year olds (full-time Reception); four key stage 1 classes (Years 1 and 2); eight key stage 2 classes (Years 3 to 6); a suite of curriculum spaces, including the school library, inclusion and intervention rooms of various sizes, a Thrive nurture room, a food technology room, the school hall, and a continuously evolving Forest School area; staff study, staffroom and leadership and administrative front offices. 

Our admissions number for each year group is 60 children and most classes have close to 30 children. All key stage 1 and 2 classes have access to wireless laptops and Chromebooks, for Computing as well as cross-curricular IT use.

If you are interested in your child coming to our school, please do get in touch

We welcome children into our Nursery Class (Class 1), within the Foundation Stage unit, at the beginning of the term in which they turn 4 years old.  The school processes admissions to the Nursery class itself; admissions to statutory education beginning in the Reception year is processed via Oxfordshire County Council.

Admissions to school follow the policy that has been established by the County Council .  Details are given on their website: go to   https://www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/cms/public-site/school-admission-rules-and-policies then follow the links to education and learning and schools.

There is high demand for places in the school and we have often been over-subscribed. However, it is impossible to predict the number of applications for places in the years to come.  Spaces sometimes appear as families move away.  If you are planning to move onto the estate, and you are looking for a school place, get in touch to check the current situation.  Please ring us direct for further information.

We welcome children transferring from other schools and work hard to ensure that they settle in as quickly as possible.  Parents of children in schools in the Didcot area must discuss moving schools with the Headteacher of their current school.

Please click on this link for OCC Admissions Timetable and click on this link for OCC Appeals Timetable

Year 6 Destinations
Our school is in the catchment area of Didcot Girl's School and St Birinus (Boy's School). Parents also consider Aureus Secondary School, King Alfred's School (Wantage) and Wallingford Secondary School.



Admissions Policy 2025/2026

Admissions Policy 2026/2027

We are consulting on the above policy 26/27 to comply with statutory guidance.  If you have any comments please email the school office.  Consultation ends on 14 March 2025.

Nursery Admissions Policy 2025/26

Click here to view our Catchment Area Map

Children born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021 (inclusive) will be starting Reception from September 2025.  Visit Oxfordshire County Council's website for further details about how to apply online.