"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." Nelson Mandela (South African first black President, anti-apartheid revolutionary and philanthropist)
Welcome to Year 2
Welcome to Term 4! We hope that you had an enjoyable break and are ready for the start of a new term. Our enquiry question for Term 4 is ‘What did Brunel do for Great Britain?’ To explore this question, the children are going to be historians and engineers. The term will culminate with the children answering the enquiry question through hot seating, report writing, local walks, school outing, forest school and bridge building.
Year 2 Curriculum Overview
Year 2 Curriculum Newsletters:
Year 2 Learning Organisers:
Term 1: Science - Animals inluding humans / Geography - What makes me special?
Term 2: History - 20th Century Toys / Science - Materials
Term 3: Science - Materials / Geography - We Are Britain
Term 4: Science - Plants / History - The Great Fire Of London
Term 5: Science - Living things and their Habitats / Geography - Seas and Oceans
Term 6: Science - Living things and their Habitats / Geography - Weather around the World
How can I support my child?
Numbots -Children use their same log-in details as for TTRS.
Online phonic comics to read http://www.phonicsplaycomics.co.uk/comics.html