"You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have." Maya Angelou (African American Poet and civil rights activist)
Welcome to Year 4
Our enquiry question for Term 4 is ‘Why Do We Live Here?’ To explore this question, the children are going to be Geographers, Historians and Artists. The term will culminate with the children answering the enquiry question through exploring physical and aerial maps and comparing Didcot to Egypt and exploring how Didcot has evolved over time and the effect this had on settlements.
Year 4 Curriculum Letters:
Year 4 Learning Organisers:
Term 1: Science - States of Matter / History - Tudors
Term 2: Science - Teeth and Digestion
Term 3: Science - All Living Things
Term 4: Science - Sound
Term 5: Science - Sound / Geography - The Great Outdoors, Marvellous Maps
Term 6: Science - Electricity / History - Ancient Egypt
How can I support my child?