"You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have." Maya Angelou (African American Poet and civil rights activist)
Welcome to Year 4
Our main topic for this term is ‘Where Does Our Water Come From’. We will explore this topic through Enquiry & Literacy (where we will look at a wordless epic sea adventure book called, ‘The Whale’ by Ethan Murrow). In science lessons, the children will be exploring living things and their habitats. Within the first few weeks, the children will be given a Learning Organiser for their science learning. We are hoping this provides a useful aid for your discussions at home and may help you in supporting your child with their learning.
Inspirational People: Aly Raisman, Li Quan, Wangari Maathai & Lauren Child
Year 4 Curriculum Letters:
Year 4 Learning Organisers:
Term 1: Science - States of Matter / History - Tudors
Term 2: Science - Teeth and Digestion
Term 3: Science - All Living Things
Term 4: Science - Sound
Term 5: Science - Sound / Geography - The Great Outdoors, Marvellous Maps
Term 6: Science - Electricity / History - Ancient Egypt
How can I support my child?