Avon Way, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 7GB

01235 519235

Ladygrove Park Primary School

Growing Excellence, Inspiring Success

"Look up at the stars not down at your feet." Stephen Hawking (English physicist, cosmologist and author)

Welcome to Year 1



Term 3’s enquiry question is ‘What am I?’ The children will be scientists learning about animals, including humans. They will be identifying and naming a variety of common animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. They will also be comparing the structure of a variety of common animals (fish, reptiles, amphibians, birds and mammals). The children will name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and say which part of the body is associated with each sense. As well as being scientists, the children will also be musicians, playing instruments, listening to a range of music and creating a piece of music to represent animals, including humans. As artists, the children will develop a range of art and design techniques in using colour, pattern and texture.

Inspirational People we will be learning about are:
Sergei Sergeyevich Prokofiev - composer, pianist and conductor.
David Attenborough - a British broadcaster, biologist, natural historian, and writer.
Tanya Russell - British animal sculptor

Year 1 Curriculum Overview

Year 1 Curriculum Letters:

Term 1 2024-25

Term 2 2024-25

Term 3 2024-25

Term 4 2023-24

Term 5 2023/24

Term 6 2023/24


Year 1 Learning Organisers:

Term 1: Science - Seasons / History - Significant People and Castles

Term 2: Science - Materials / Geography - Mapping and road symbols

Term 3: Science - Simple Experiments / Geography - Mapping and road symbols

Term 4: Science - Plants and Healthy Eating /Geography - Direction

Term 5: Science - Classification / History - Dinosaurs

Term 6: Science - Plants / Geography - Our local environment

How can I support my child?

Times Tables Rock Stars

Numbots -Children use their same log-in details as for TTRS.

Online phonic comics to read  http://www.phonicsplaycomics.co.uk/comics.html 

Love Reading 4 Schools