Avon Way, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 7GB

01235 519235

Ladygrove Park Primary School

Growing Excellence, Inspiring Success

"Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible." Dalai Lama (the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism, who has spent his life committed to benefiting humanity)

Welcome to Year 3


Year 3a year 3b year3c


Welcome to Term 4! We hope that you had an enjoyable break and are ready for the start of a new term. Our enquiry question for Term 4  is ‘How do we know that the Romans came to Britain?’. To explore this question, the children are going to be Historians, Geographers and Engineers. The term will culminate with the children answering the enquiry question through carrying out fieldwork, making connections over time and evaluating objects to understand how the Romans have helped shape the world.

Year 3 Curriculum Overview

Year 3 Curriculum Letters:

Term 1 2024-25

Term 2 2024-25

Term 3 2024-25

Term 4 2024-25

Term 5 2023/24

Term 6 2023/24


Year 3 Learning Organisers:

Term 1: Science - How do our bodies function?

Term 2: Science - Forces

Term 3: Science - Rocks & Fossils / History - The Stone Age to The Iron Age

Term 4: Science - Light / History - The Romans

Term 5: Science - Helping Plants Grow Well / History - Children in World War II

Term 6: Coming soon...


How can I support my child?

Times Tables Rock Stars

Numbots -Children use their same log-in details as for TTRS.

Love Reading 4 Schools