Avon Way, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 7GB

01235 519235

Ladygrove Park Primary School

Growing Excellence, Inspiring Success

"The path from dreams to success does exist. May you have the vision to find it, the courage to get on to it, and the perseverance to follow it."  Kalpana Chawla (Engineer and first Indian American woman to go to space)

Welcome to Year 5

Our enquiry question for Term 4 is ‘Where is our twin?’. To explore this question, the children are going to be geographers, engineers and scientists. The term will culminate with the children answering the enquiry question through carrying out a presentation suggesting a new twin town in a country of their choice in the Americas and the reasons why

Year 5 Curriculum Overview

Year 5 Curriculum Letters:

Term 1 2024-25

Term 2 2024-25

Term 3 2024-25

Term 4 2024-25

Term 5 2023-24

Term 6 2023-24


Year 5 Learning Organisers & Reading Spines

Term 1: Science - Living Things and their Habitats / Geography - Rainforests

Term 2: Science - Living things & their habitats / History - Victorians / Reading Spine

Term 3: Science - Earth and Beyond / History - The Space Race

Term 4: Science - Forces / History - Ancient Greece

Term 5: Science - Properties and Changes of Materials / Geography - Natural Disasters

Term 6: Science - The Water Cycle / Science - Animals including humans / Geography - Rivers and Coasts


How can I support my child?

Times Tables Rock Stars

Numbots -Children use their same log-in details as for TTRS.

Love Reading 4 Schools